
Showing posts from July, 2019

Internship Update

Welcome! If you've been reading along you know that I am working with Dynamo Metrics for my current internship. Within the past 6 weeks, I have designed a social media content calendar, social media posts, info graphics and an initial blog post. I updated Dynamos twitter account profile and cover photo, and started posting to both LinkedIn and Twitter. As for LinkedIn, I shared the professional content that I have available such as, sharing an article that Dynamo was featured in, posting a client testimonial, and creating a Fourth of July graphic and post. I also created a "Meet the CEO" post about Nigel Griswold. I met with Dynamo's Marketing manager last Tuesday (July 16, 2019), and her first day will be Monday July 29, 2019. Waiting for her to start working and give me more direction has been a struggle. I realized this week that I had a success story planned for Dynamo's social content, and I had yet to receive the content I needed to design this post.

How I Became A Social Media Manager for the CDE

Welcome! Today I am talking about how I got my Social Media Manager position with the Center for Digital Engagement. This story takes some turns so grab some popcorn and buckle your seat belts. I currently work 10 hours a week with my assigned company, Dynamo Metrics, and the Social Media Manager position was offering an additional 10 hours a week. When I first applied for the SMM position, to my surprise, I was offered an upgraded position! I was being asked to work 20 additional hours a week to manage an Alumni Reconnect project for the CDE. I would've been working directly with Bud Gibson (he manages the internship program) and Zingerman's Director of Marketing, Jenn Hayman. This sounded like a dream opportunity! After weighing my options, I decided that since the Alumni reconnect project went until December, I would be unable to dedicate the necessary time after the fall semester had begun. I will be taking five classes this fall, and I just wouldn't have the t

Meeting Dynamo's Marketing Manager!

Welcome! I am currently in the midst of my summer clinic internship, and I am working with Dynamo Metrics . I have continued to post on Dynamo's LinkedIn and Twitter three times a week, but there have been some slight changes to how I am going to be posting. Dynamo recently hired a Marketing Manager named Rachel who will be working with me directly for the remainder of my internship. I created a Google doc where I will be putting the social media posts that I design, so Rachel can overlook them before I post them. I was so excited that Dynamo was taking the next step in their business to hire a Marketing Manager, and I was also thrilled to meet her! Rachel and I met at Ann Arbor SPARK Central, and I gave her the run down on my plan of action thus far. I went over the target market, the content calendar, blog posts, which social platforms we are using, and we went over the content I have posted thus far. Rachel did make the executive decision during our meeting that she does

Google Analytics Individual Qualification

Welcome! As one of the requirements of my current internship, they ask that we complete the Google Analytics Individual Qualification. One of Bud Gibson's (a clinic mentor) favorite things to say is, "Do the fail faster method" The test requires you to wait a week to retake the test if you fail it, and Bud suggests that the sooner we fail, the sooner we are able to take the test again and pass. Each week Bud checks in with us and makes sure we are making progress towards our certifications. I started the first week by watching hours of videos Google gives you to study before taking the test. This week, I was so excited to announce that I had passed with 64 out of 70 correct. You need an 80 percent to pass, and I got a 91 percent. It took me a few hours of studying, watching and re-watching the Google videos in order for me pass the test on my first try. I am so excited to have passed the test, and to add my Google Analytics certification to my resume! Stay tuned for m

What To Do When Faced With Internship Challenges

Welcome Back! Today, I am going to give you a quick update on a recent challenge I faced with my internship, and how I overcame it. Before we get into it, I promise to not make this post as long as my last one! I hope that my tips and tricks will help anyone who is in need of some advice and showcase my problem solving skills that were recently put to the test. As a Public Relations professional, my job is mainly to control the image of a company or person. Usually, I will do this through social media, blog posts, websites, media outreach and more. If you don't know by now, I'm working with Dynamo Metrics, and I'm building their social presence through Twitter and LinkedIn. If you'd like to check our their accounts, I will link them down below! I love working for this company and this internship has been an amazing learning opportunity. I decided to share my truth about any struggles I've faced in order to help other interns out there who may also be facing

2019 Updates - My Year So Far

Welcome back!  Happy fourth of July, I hope you all had a great holiday! With life being as busy as it's been, it felt so nice to just celebrate, eat good food and relax for the rest of the day! If you don't know, the man standing to my left in the picture above is my boyfriend of five years, Jared. Every Fourth of July we go to Jared's uncle's house for a family party, and this turned out to be the last year that his uncle is hosting this party. We made sure to get pictures, and I am excited to see what next year holds! This whole year has absolutely flown by, especially the month of June. Where did June go? Was I even here for it? I don't remember it! I knew this year was going to be one of the busiest years when it started in January. Once January 1st came, everything began to change. If you would've asked me in December what this year would've looked like, I would've told you a completely different story. Isn't it funny how much life c


Welcome!  My name is Jess and this is my story. I am 24 years young, and a senior at Eastern Michigan University. I am majoring in Public relations and double minoring in Marketing and Communication. I am currently a Social Media Manager for the Center for Digital Engagement, and an intern through the Ann Arbor SPARK program working with Dynamo Metrics . I have wanted to start a blog for years, but the fear of failure always held me back. How did I end up starting a blog? My internship actually requested that we start a blog and post two times a week. For me, this was a blessing in disguise. I could've cried tears of joy because the time had finally come to begin a journey that I had always wanted to pursue.  People who know me well, know that I have always loved creative writing. I loved the way that the words are able to flow easily, and I never seemed to encounter writers block. I've always had a harder time writing extremely structured papers that leave no room fo