
Showing posts from February, 2021

You Are Your Own Worst Critic

Why did I leave social media for months? The same reason everyone else does, I was running from myself.  When I was posting regularly, I started to get a lot of people paying attention to my content and honestly it scared me. All of it brought out my deepest insecurities and the insecurities of those around me. It made me really look in the mirror, and I began to overanalyze everything.  I became my own worst critic.  Writing is my passion and something that I know I'm meant to do. I would write something that I know someone out there needed to hear only to shoot myself down before ever posting it. I would convince myself that what I had to share was not special and someone else had probably said it before.  I became my own worst critic in more ways than one.  What if I make a mistake? What if it's not perfect and nobody wants to read it? I would beat myself down before I even had the chance to begin. I've spent months not doing the one thing that I'm so passionate abou