Google Analytics Individual Qualification

Welcome! As one of the requirements of my current internship, they ask that we complete the Google Analytics Individual Qualification. One of Bud Gibson's (a clinic mentor) favorite things to say is, "Do the fail faster method" The test requires you to wait a week to retake the test if you fail it, and Bud suggests that the sooner we fail, the sooner we are able to take the test again and pass. Each week Bud checks in with us and makes sure we are making progress towards our certifications.

I started the first week by watching hours of videos Google gives you to study before taking the test. This week, I was so excited to announce that I had passed with 64 out of 70 correct. You need an 80 percent to pass, and I got a 91 percent. It took me a few hours of studying, watching and re-watching the Google videos in order for me pass the test on my first try. I am so excited to have passed the test, and to add my Google Analytics certification to my resume! Stay tuned for more internship updates coming soon!


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